Sretan Božić svima onima koji ga proslavljaju po gregorijanskom kalendaru. Želim da ovaj divan dan provedetete u miru i blagostanju, u sreći i radosti, u želji za boljem sutra, i naravno najbitnijem, zdravlju. Mir Božiji, Hristos se rodi- Vaistinu se rodi.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the Gregorian calendar. I want this beautiful day will conduct the peace and prosperity, happiness and joy, the desire for a better tomorrow, and of course most importantly, health. Peace of God, Christ is parenthood Indeed he is born.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate the Gregorian calendar. I want this beautiful day will conduct the peace and prosperity, happiness and joy, the desire for a better tomorrow, and of course most importantly, health. Peace of God, Christ is parenthood Indeed he is born.